
Righteous Mind II, 2021

Archival Pigment Ink, Acrylic on Canvas


Righteous Mind I, 2021

Archival Pigment Ink, Acrylic on Canvas


The Impermanence of Victory, 2021

Archival Pigment Ink, Acrylic on Canvas


GR Gallery, New York

30 November - 5 December 2021

On show as part Context Art Fair Miami for GR Gallery New York, When Power Plays is a new body of work that sees Osadebe questioning the connection between art, authority, play, and prestige. The works are rooted within a playful visual investigation surrounding the balance of power, pushing the boundaries of art as the tool to undo established political order.

The recurring characters depicted throughout Osadebe's practice have been redressed in suits of armour, this pertinent symbolism alluding to ideas of strength and status. We find these regal knights partaking in playful action through gestures of sport, this tongue-in-cheek contrast highlighting the fragility of power, and the role that play holds in deconstructing authoritative dynamics.

This series sees new mediums explored for the artist, working with stained glass, a medium that sings to both Osadebe's utilisation of colour and fascination with history through its elemental ties to tradition and worship. In the sculptural piece, the combination of bronze and gold leaf speaks to ideas of material wealth, while questioning the esteem held within traditional methods of making.

Osadebe has forged a body of work that unpicks how we understand the complexities of power, allowing this series to present itself as one that will leave behind a legacy for future rule-breakers to reference.